Comparison of Health Outcomes Over Time Among Women 1990–1991 Gulf War Veterans, Women 1990–1991 Gulf Era Veterans, and Women in the U.S. General...
[IMG] Demonstrators in Washington DC last September drew attention to the lack of funding for research into chronic fatigue syndrome, also known...
For years I was told to doubt my own body. My own pain levels. I was put to sleep and cut open, only to be told I didn’t have a disease I did...
Abstract Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic and complex disease whose management by patients requires a high level of commitment. Patient...
Abstract Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a condition that is often misunderstood by the medical community. Misunderstandings are exacerbated when a...
‘Faceless monster, secret society’: Women's experiences navigating the administrative burden of Australia's National Disability Insurance Scheme...
The association between exposure to domestic abuse in women and the development of syndromes indicating central nervous system sensitization: A...
Abstract The modern woman has taken her rightful place in society as a worker, a caregiver, a mother, and a world citizen. However, along with the...
Towards a sociological understanding of medical gaslighting in western health care Jennifer C. H. Sebring In recent years, the term ‘medical...
30 Nov 2017 | BBC: Migraine therapy that cut attacks hailed as 'huge deal' [antibody treatment] Interesting to those of us who get migraines: A...
The Scottish Health Department has posted an interim statement advising caution over the suitability of Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) in treating...
The response to the Women's Health Survey from the ITT (Improve Thyroid Treatment) group can be found here :...
Executive summary We are seeking your views to help inform the development of the government’s Women’s Health Strategy. This call for evidence is...
To mark International Women’s Day, the government is launching a 12-week call for evidence to better understand women’s experiences of the health...
Fertility and Sterility took seven years to take down Italian study, which was criticised by doctors for ethical concerns and dubious...
This type of research on ME/CFS patients in theory might be interesting, though I have no idea what this paper is like....
"The Lady's Handbook for Her Mysterious Illness" author on the only recourse for ailing women who are being ignored Until recently, being...
Abstract [en] Background: Taking sick leave (SL) for long-term musculoskeletal pain (MSP), predominantly in the neck, shoulders and back, is...
'Women have been woefully neglected': does medical science have a gender problem? Women’s symptoms are ignored and their health problems are...
From the earliest days of medicine, women have been considered inferior versions of men. In On the Generation of Animals, the Greek philosopher...
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