Do you have throat problems?

Discussion in 'General and other signs and symptoms' started by Ysabelle-S, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Ysabelle-S

    Ysabelle-S Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Do you have redness at the back of the throat, a persistent cough, or other problems relating to the same area.

    I'm posting this thread because of reports and photographs I've seen elsewhere of 'red crescents' at the back of the throat in ME patients. I'm not sure how common this is, but I have it.

    I also have a persistent cough that can interfere with speech - it gets worse the more I talk. I do find cutting out some foods helps with the cough though. But since I haven't seen others mention a cough, I was curious to know if anyone else has the same problem.

    I've had this cough since 1994, and I definitely think it's ME related.
    Webdog, chrisb, Joel and 1 other person like this.
  2. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have a long term cough, decades long, if that counts as a throat problem. As far as I know there is nothing medically wrong with my throat, it just happens to be located in the same body as someone with a cough. On the rare, and historical, times when I have mentioned it to a doctor they have invariably replied with words along the lines of "if you'd have had a cough for that long you'd be dead - next!"
  3. erin

    erin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I seemed to have on and off cough since the pneumonia I had in April. Especially early hours of the mornings recently as the weather is getting chillier and wetter.
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  4. alex3619

    alex3619 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I used to have a constant store throat, and had it for many years. Then for over a decade it went away. In the last several years it came back, and brought its buddy the constant cough with it.
    Wonko and Ysabelle-S like this.
  5. Graham

    Graham Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes, I have a cough that can really be bad: I can end up on my knees gasping for breath. That long predates the ME, and could sometimes be quite a pain while teaching. There are a number of recognised triggers - mould, detergents, dry soil, some strong perfumes - but oddly enough "chemicals" like bleach, petrol, turps etc. have no effect. The only thing that I find keeps it down is a Beconase spray. The only comment I get from doctors is that it could be a post-nasal drip.
    Wonko and Ysabelle-S like this.
  6. Joel

    Joel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    As I came down with ME I had a constant sore throats for a couple years, doctors could figure it out. Then I got ME and had it all the time but now it's not sore but still doesn't look healthy.
    My wife, who I think is coming down with ME has the same constant sore throats thing I had when coming down with ME, so I think there is something in it.

    Seems a common problem with people with ME. I don't have a cough mind you.
    Ysabelle-S and Wonko like this.
  7. Graham

    Graham Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes, my son get sore throats when he is in a worse patch. I think though that the sort of cough I am talking about is very different from a sore throat. Mine is very much a sudden, reactive and sometimes quite violent cough that can be over in ten minutes or a bit more. The sore throat symptom seems to be a common trait in people with ME, and is more of a pain/soreness that lasts for days or more.
    Ysabelle-S and Wonko like this.
  8. Ysabelle-S

    Ysabelle-S Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I should have said that I was initially diagnosed with tonsillitis. It was caused by a virus going around at the time (which led to PVS and ME). I got a second bout of tonsillitis four years later, and seemed to get shooting pains in my chest after that. The cough started about four and a half years later. Had a chest X-ray and it was clear. But I also had breathing problems at times, and the ventolin inhaler caused me to have seizure type episodes, while the antihistamine broke me out in a rash. Kind of just had to put up with it since then.
  9. Snowdrop

    Snowdrop Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes, I don't know about the redness but I have a chronic cough and often sore throat, tender glands. Although I sometimes wonder if this is due to MACS as opposed to ME proper. It's worse at the moment and it's been an utterly glorious fall and I've been laying on a lounge chair in the backyard which has unfortunately lots of ragweed and which is why I suspect MCAS. The dry air of forced air heating in winter doesn't help either.
    Wonko and Ysabelle-S like this.
  10. chrisb

    chrisb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This is an interesting question which I have been pondering.

    In the first ten years or so I often used to get the throat inflammations which are common. This used to involve big white patches where the tonsils would have been, surrounded by red and white mottling.The tongue was also covered in a white coat. I cannot now say whether or not the red patches were in the form of crescents. In any event I have seen it suggested that the crescent effect is different in those with tonsillectomies.

    For the last ten years or so I have had a strange persistent cough- half way between a throat clearance and a cough.

    I had not previously thought about this but it does seem possible that as the periodic inflammations disappeared the chronic cough arrived. I don't know the answer.
  11. Dr.Shaqun

    Dr.Shaqun Established Member

    Looks like 10 posts are here in this thread. 10 people have the same throat issue and I would like to ask; How many of you have GERD/Acid Reflux including other gut issues and for how long ? I wonder how many of 10 people.
    Liv aka Mrs Sowester likes this.
  12. Ysabelle-S

    Ysabelle-S Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think I once tried a medicine for this, but I didn't persist with it. I have wondered about acid reflux. What I eat seems to make it better or worse.
    Liv aka Mrs Sowester likes this.
  13. Dr.Shaqun

    Dr.Shaqun Established Member

    One of the most reason of chronic sore throat and cough with none-smokers is called by public "the chronic throat reflux" which is Laryngopharyngeal Reflux. People with chronic acid reflux for years, develops chronic sore throat as the acid is going up to the way up part of the throat during the sleep time, this is called silent reflux and causes Laryngopharyngeal Reflux which is different than regular acid reflux. People who have this condition also suffers from post-nasal drainage(liquid goes to your throat from your nose time to time and sometimes severe) that causes extra sore throat and cough as well as creates an endless cycle of the problem.

    Unlike being a pill-pusher, fixing GERD and Acid Reflux is all about what you are eating and your psychological mood. PPI(stomach pills) are like pain killers, they do not fix the problem, they only covers the symptoms. People use PPI pills like a candy even children are too. But this is so wrong, in recent years we understood that Acid Reflux can also happen when the acid is low in stomach. So taking PPI pill will reduce the acid where acid is needed in many cases. For that reason, a patient with stomach issues needs to be checked by expert gastroenterologist and acid tests required to decide if the patient need to take PPI or extra acid.

    Please drink lots of amount of water. Do not eat fried foods, do not drink coke, coffee, alcohol, and quit smoking if there is. Increase the pillow height, make it double if you dont have neck problems. That will fix the throat as long as the acid unable to reach up. At the end, the psychology status is directly related to almost all GUT problems. As long as you think about your self and your life, it will get worse than "what you eat". The quick and the best solution is to stop thinking about anything makes you think more, dont go deep.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
    Ysabelle-S likes this.
  14. Liv aka Mrs Sowester

    Liv aka Mrs Sowester Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I had tonsillitis and was given antibiotics many times a year from as early as I can remember until I reached puberty. Since then it's only been a few times a year and I never bother taking it to a doctor.
    Ysabelle-S likes this.
  15. Ysabelle-S

    Ysabelle-S Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    My current diet has reduced the cough considerably. It gets worse when I eat too many sweet things which I was mostly not taking for a while there. Drinking a lot of water certainly helps.
  16. Dr.Shaqun

    Dr.Shaqun Established Member

    It is good that it is calm. Some people can have stubborn tonsillitis and when it comes to chronic stage that does not answer antibiotics, then the tonsils needs to be removed completely with a small operation. :)

    Solution is already in your words :)
  17. lansbergen

    lansbergen Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  18. lansbergen

    lansbergen Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    As I recall it the Holmes criteria had none productive cough in it but that was changed to sore throat. I think the none productive cough is an important signal. In my case It always happens at the beginning of a flare and sneezing at the end of a flare.
    Wonko, Andy and Ysabelle-S like this.
  19. Nellie

    Nellie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I get a one sided sore throat , on the right side with a red crescent. They always start with a chemical hit, when its bad the pain goes to my ear, head, neck and shoulder but only on the right side. I'd so like it if someone else said they too have these one sided sore throats.
    Andy, Wonko and Ysabelle-S like this.
  20. Samuel

    Samuel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    i don't have sore throat all the time. my throat can get sore if i stress it.

    i remember the crimson crescent thing but i think do not have them, or at least i assume i'd know.

    i have sometimes-productive sometimes-non-productive cough possibly from mold. lungs not doing well. living in water-damaged building. was mold injured in 1990s. lamisil helped for many years but stopped taking it upon lupus diagnosis. also it has a black box warning if i remember correctly. wish i could try it for a few days to see if it gets my lungs a little better.

    possible non-antihistamine-responsive angioedema causes swelling in mouth and other places which is relatively new and is a concern. you die if you cannot breathe for enough minutes and ambulance for intubation takes more than that and i don't know of any self-intubation. acquired seems to be considered rare. [i wonder if mold connection. no published evidence i am aware of of that. too sick to research.] sometimes the swelling causes sore spots reminiscent of first symptom of cold or flu. but e.g. when lips it does not.

    i'd like to connect with anybody who has or knows about angioedema.

    esophagus problems include problems initiating swallowing, regurgitation, slow transit, stuck food, pain, reflux with pain in a particular spot near the stomach on one side where i had a gastroscopy biopsy, hiccup-like spasms. some of those might be related to gastroparesis which i also have.

    so various possibly unrelated things.

    dunno if useful.
    Ysabelle-S and Andy like this.

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