Hi I’m interested in having a copy of the documents in the subsection “for doctors” and “for patients” in this me-pedia page...
Seems that SMC doesn't mind using experts with competing interests?...
"Main points At 2 May 2021, an estimated 1.0 million people living in private households in the UK (1.6%) were experiencing self-reported long...
Not a recommendation. Introduction This leaflet is one of a series about Coronavirus and mental health. The leaflets contain information about...
https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Advice-for-Researchers-Experiencing-Harrasment-2019.pdf "All researchers should...
You may be aware that the head of the Science Media Centre is Fiona Fox. Her sister is Claire Fox who recently approved her support of the lovely...
ME activist Catherine Hale explains: “It’s the usual pattern: a spurious story about CFS researchers getting online harassment and having to quit...
Science Media Centre: Expert reaction to randomised, controlled trial of ecigs vs NRT in smoking cessation (30.01.2019) Research published in The...
This was mentioned in another thread, but I thought it was worth having its own thread.
More Thoughts on the Interferon Study I was surprised recently when the UK press made a big splash about what was, in the end, a modest study...
Introduction I started writing this blog in 2012. For several years since then, I have kept starting drafts on a particular topic, only to then...
https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2018/sep/03/scientists-must-keep-fighting-fake-news-not-retreat-to-their-ivory-towers Scientists have...
I recently wrote to Oxford University neuropsychologist Dorothy Bishop, who had provided a statement to the Science Media Centre about the...
On 26 March I sent to following question to the CDC: ‘A recently published "factsheet" about "CFS/ME" by the UK Science Media Centre states:...
Following the publication of the Forward-ME group letter to the Science Media Centre (SMC) to...
Forward-ME Group Chair, The Countess of Mar, has written on behalf of the members of the Group to the Chief Executive of the Science Media Centre...
The science media centre has played an important role in stigmatising CFS patients, and anyone critical of PACE and related work, so it's always...
I have only just become aware of this and although I suspected that the SMC connection(ie SW) was at play with regards to Channel 4 News, Channel...
On September 20, 2017, a BMJ Publishing Group journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood published the SMILE trial. This trial investigated an...
I can't tell if she's being ironic or not, in blogging how important it is to have independence for researchers. Michael Gove is shaping up to be...
Separate names with a comma.