IIMEC15 08 Professor Maureen Hanson 15th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2023 [MEDIA] 29 minutes Terrific presentation from...
"The 15th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2023 - IIMEC15 - will take place on 2nd June 2023. 15 international conferences,...
It is difficult to convey fully the overwhelming effects of severe ME – on the patient or on carers. We can only allude to the horrendous course...
" A new charity anthology, featuring stories about John Hurt’s incarnation of the Doctor, is available to buy now. Regenerations initially finds...
From their March 2020 newsletter, https://mailchi.mp/9e68bcabd2b3/supporting-iimer-biomedical-research-into-me-1269163 The provisional schedule...
Executive Summary for MPs This is a summary of the status regarding the work of UK charity Invest in ME Research in developing a UK/European...
January 2020 newsletter, https://mailchi.mp/8debd4b3d287/supporting-biomedical-research-into-me-this-christmas-1235507
Invest in ME Research and The Quadram Institute are arranging a Public Engagement Event in Norwich on 7th February 2020. The event will be with...
UK Charity Invest in ME Research is pledging £500,000 for continued research into the disease myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME or ME/CFS) in Norwich...
A condition such as ME presents not only a challenge to the patient who receives the diagnosis, nor only to the family where a child or partner...
No more information at the moment other than confirmation of the dates, 26th to 30th May, which puts the conference on a Saturday. 27th -...
Have you been overwhelmed by the support you’ve received from a charity? Have they helped you or a loved one in a truly meaningful way, and you...
Note from Moderators: IiME created the EMEA, and also the EMECC (Clinicians Council) and the EMERG (Research Group). The EMEA is a member of EFNA...
It is a year since news came of the passing of Anne Örtegren. The lives of those who have passed away are placed in the memory of the living. A...
[MEDIA] " Invest in ME Research has announced dates for events taking place in London for their International Conference Week in May 2019 on...
http://www.investinme.org/Documents/Journals/Journal%20of%20IiMER%20Vol%2012%20Issue%201.pdf Journal of IiME Research, Volume 12, Issue 1, May 2018
This is nearly upon us and doesn't seem to have its own thread. It's the closed two-day meeting for scientists that precedes the one-day...
In short they are asking for GET and CBT to be removed as treatments before the review concludes in 2020. Core of first letter By removing the...
As we didn't have a thread for Mike's efforts, thought I'd start one. From Mike's website Hi I'm Mike and I'm running a marathon in each of the...
Separate names with a comma.