LIVE ACTION SATURDAY! Prime Minister Trudeau Apologizes to Canadians with ME. Okay, not quite yet -but wouldn't that be great? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to see Canadians with ME on Millions Missing Day on May 12th if we want to move meaningfully toward equitable health care and research funding. Other Canadians need to see us on ME day too. Be part of the effort to help PM Trudeau and others see ME now by joining our Visibility Action.this coming Saturday. #JustinTrudeau #canyouseeMEnow? On May 12th, we'll gather in downtown Toronto at the south-east corner of Bay & Bloor Streets (Bay subway station) from noon - 2pm for Millions Missing Canada's Visibility Action. We'll be selling Millions Missing Canada t-shirts for $40 and Justin Trudeau masks for $15. We will bring signs, shoes from the missing, shirts and Trudeau masks. You bring your camera, yourself and as many family and friends as possible. RSVP on our Facebook event page. Be creative and bring items to represent the sick and missing: shoes, wheelchairs, bed on rollers, IV stand. And make yourself comfortable: bring a folding chair or cushions to sit on. Remember, we would be marching in protest but we're too sick! We will also be digitally recording messages to PM Trudeau from patients / carers / family / friends. So think ahead of time about what you think our Prime Minister needs to see, hear and do about ME in Canada. Maybe you want to tell him to do his job and ensure equitable health care and research funding for Canadians with ME. Maybe it's to stop the harm, fund the research, and start the treatment. Whatever it is, the #CanadianPM needs to hear from YOU! During and afterwards we will post pictures of our Visibility Action on social media along with others from around the world, to inundate social media and demonstrate the mass collective action for ME health equality!
Thanks for this @ScottTriGuy I hope you take care of yourself though all this--you seem to have been quite busy of late.
I'm dreaming of May 13th with lots of horizontal time. But every other patient that was at the conference that I've talked to has crashed, so I'm very lucky to be somewhat functional.
I'm glad to hear you're still managing so far. The big effort near concluding. I'd like to add that although I cannot attend my daughter, it just worked out this way, arrives for a visit here on the 12th and she will wear a MillionsMissing t-shirt from her home in the UK to on the train then tube then plane to here and my husband likewise will meet her at the airport in a MM shirt. They travel back by bus and subway so hopefully many, many views.
@ScottTriGuy I had PEM but I wouldn’t call it a crash. I was totally destroyed when I got home, aching all over and mad headache. I went to bed at 8pm and was k.o. the next day. But I left at 3, I couldn’t take it anymore. I think most people stayed until the end, and maybe even for the reception. I’m not sure I would do it again. I think I would watch it from my couch.
Happy to say I had a chance to visit Millions Missing in Toronto today. The team was focused on getting the word out. Its STILL an awareness issue.
Oh, so sorry to hear you got slammed too - no doubt conducting the interview with Isabelle added to your exertion...and added much to our documentary, thank you for doing that. I concur, from the couch is the way to watch for patients - we'll have to push hard for accessibility via Livestreaming, but its a deserving push so folks aren't crashing unnecessarily.
Great to connect with did I not get you on Facebook Live to get the word out about your site? For others, our Facebook Live video from downtown Toronto...fighting for funding...and fighting back tears....
We've got enough footage know to make a sizzler to shop around, so we'll hopefully establish a production schedule soon, then after that will be the editing / post production process, then the distribution plan will a long while...but we'll be using clips in other social media in the interim.
Only just found this: " Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Awareness Day May 12, 2018 WHEREAS Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities are chronic illnesses that have the potential to substantially limit function and impact the quality of life. Community efforts by organizations and individuals help to raise hope, awareness and funds for research to find treatment options for this disease. The City of Toronto supports organizations and individuals committed to raising awareness about diseases, conditions and illnesses that affect all Canadians. Through education, fundraising and support, the health and well-being of our communities are improved. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor John Tory, on behalf of Toronto City Council, do hereby proclaim May 12, 2018 as “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Environmental Sensitivities/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Day” in the City of Toronto."
Very nice. I would consider it symbolic but perhaps in future years based on this we could ask the mayor to make a public statement which someone i know might film?