MS society question people on the streets to ask what they know about MS

Discussion in 'General disability topics and advocacy' started by Cinders66, Apr 25, 2019.

  1. Cinders66

    Cinders66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    I thought that this was interesting and would be interesting to do with ME so we target our education efforts better. I was wondering whether it Can be incorporated into #MISSINGMILLIONS when our people are on the streets , perhaps giving out an information leaflet alongside?

    Tbh I suspect few will have heard of ME and then assume CFS is tiredness but it could be worth asking a few questions like age of sufferers, duration and severity assumed etc
    ahimsa, ladycatlover, shak8 and 8 others like this.
  2. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I think this is a key part of MM speeches and singing is good for visibility but I hope people out there being asked one to one do you know about ME and would you like some information and giving some of them the leaflet to take away will have a more lasting impact of getting key messages over. educating friends and family is an ongoing issue of course for many of us and hopefully the events going on give people a hook to have conversations they might not normally have - and also maybe get people to read the leaflet and start to understand some of the issues.
    ladycatlover, shak8, JaneL and 5 others like this.
  3. JaneL

    JaneL Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hampshire, UK
    I think it’s a great idea. A video like this might also be a powerful tool for demonstrating the lack of understanding, negative attitudes and stigma associated with ME (assuming these things were captured on camera of course... but that seems likely given how widespread they are).
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
  4. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Distributing pamphlets by my local support group was key during the early 90's to get the message out. The pamphlets were also distributed to doctor's offices and clinics. This was how I was able to find an ME specialist early on to get a diagnosis and disability.
    ladycatlover, shak8, rvallee and 5 others like this.
  5. Cinders66

    Cinders66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Are we allowed to distribute to peoples homes like advertising flyers do?
    Some might regard it as bumf, some might read. I still think with the stigma and complex narrative of ME (wide variance in symptoms, severity and outcome) it will be hard to fundraise from the public even if they do understand it more
    ladycatlover, shak8 and MEMarge like this.
  6. adambeyoncelowe

    adambeyoncelowe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There are mailing agencies that will do this for you. Going door to door in one or more postcode areas to deliver leaflets.
  7. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I don’t think leaflets without 1-1 contact are likely to have much impact more than social media. I barely even look at anything that comes through my door straight into my recycling bag. I’ve seen posts from one or two long term ME patients who say they use every visit to their home as an education opportunity, having leaflets printed off to hand out to give people more information.

    ETA and they meant literally everyone shopping delivery people, gas engineers etc etc.

    Eta2 Would be a good way to turn the tables on anyone trying to sell double glazing or collecting for charity or political canvassers.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
    Hutan, ladycatlover, TiredSam and 4 others like this.
  8. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The population didn't really get the message but physicians did, and that's 99% of the goal.

    In our case it's almost reversed. I often see comment threads in the wild talking about ME and generally getting support and understanding, usually from people who know someone affected. It's the exact opposite with medical professionals, the more they dominate the discussion the nastier it gets. Ironically, it's the same with "professional skeptics", who are some of the biggest jerks while they unwittingly defend pseudoscience.

    Awareness mostly matters in how it reaches and changes physicians' perception. The hostility of medical institutions is by far our biggest obstacle.
  9. Cinders66

    Cinders66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I agree it’s the medical profession, colleges, universities, NHS, NICE MRC that are our problem. Having those lay people around us more kind and helpful would be very nice but Ultimately it won’t change things, especially as I think we still would not get in money like other illness. That’s why I’m not especially enthused by just “awareness raising” versus lobbying.
    JaneL, ladycatlover, rvallee and 4 others like this.
  10. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oregon, USA
    Hi @Cinders66 - I just wanted to let you know that the hashtag is #MillionsMissing not #MissingMillions.

    Sorry I don't have any input on the main topic of your post.
  11. Cinders66

    Cinders66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)


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