UK Parliament - Science and Technology Select Committee

Discussion in 'Advocacy Action Alerts' started by KarenSW, Nov 7, 2018.

  1. KarenSW

    KarenSW Established Member

    I am looking to target members of the Science and Technology Select Committee as there is a possibility that they may be able to do an inquiry into something ME related (possibly PACE). Myself and 2 others have met with Darren Jones (Bristol North West) and he is on board (he's also met with David Tuller). Carol Monaghan is also on the committee and Graham Stringer who has signed ME related EDMs and the letter to the Lancet.

    Is anyone here a constituent of any of the following MPs and would be willing to schedule a meeting with them?
    Conservative It's vitally important that we can get one of these 3 conservatives on board (Vicky Ford and Neil O'Brien have recently been appointed PPSs so are likely to resign from the committee)
    1. Stephen Metcalfe (South Basildon and East Thurrock)
    2. Damien Moore (Southport)
    3. Bill Grant (Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock)

    4. Martin Whitfield (East Lothian)
    5. Liz Kendall (Leicester West)

    Lib Dem
    6. Norman Lamb (North Norfolk)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
  2. It's M.E. Linda

    It's M.E. Linda Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Interesting, and related thread at:

    @KarenSW is still searching for constituents of these Conservative MPs please?

    andypants, Barry and Esther12 like this.

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