Hi, I'm looking for papers that separated ME/CFS patients into different grades of severity with some epidemiological data on each of the groups. For example, if you were to divide the entire ME/CFS population into mild, moderate, severe and very severe, what percentage would be given to each category? Thanks in advance
You might want to ask the Solve ME/CFS group. There was a CFIDS of America survey in about 2009 that asked questions along these lines. Although, I can't recall precisely. For some maybe unfamiliar with CFIDS of America, it came before Solve ME/CFS.
https://www.actionforme.org.uk/uploads/images/2020/02/Big-Survey-Impact-of-ME.pdf I don’t know if AFME would have responses to questions by severity might be worth asking
Did we ever see any results from this survey? I don't know if the questions asked in it were relevant to your question. https://www.s4me.info/threads/2021-pan-europe-me-patient-survey-emea.22819/ You previously linked this Norwegian survey which had some questions re severity: https://www.s4me.info/threads/the-c...ents-in-norway-2021-schei-and-angelsen.19529/
Not yet I believe. I'm a member of the survey's Facebook group and they are also supposed to send the data for individual countries to the people/group representing those countries, which in the case of Hungary is me and I haven't seen or received anything yet.
Not sure if any help but the study in the first post of the thread linked below compares characteristics of housebound/non-housebound with cohorts from US, UK and Norway. https://www.s4me.info/threads/trici...d-me-patients-study-correctly-described.1572/
Norwegian survey from 2020 https://www.me-foreningen.no/wp-con...-on-the-course-of-illness-English-summary.pdf