[Only mentions CFS] Physical activity buffers fatigue only under low chronic stress (2016) Nater

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic research - ME/CFS and Long Covid' started by Esther12, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Nater has been one of the most ridiculous CFS quacks imo. He's claimed doubled blind trials show CBT is effective (the site is currently down, but I think this link should take you to that claim when it's back on-line: https://listserv.nodak.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind1205d&L=co-cure&F&S&P=12748) and has done some really poor work which tried to claim CFS patients' personality disorders could explain why they don't get on well with those promoting CBT/GET. This new paper has one paragraph which could indicate a change from him (the final paragraph quoted).

    I only skimmed through this paper, and didn't think it was very interesting, but thought I'd post my notes up in case anyone else was interested.

    Paywalled: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10253890.2016.1192121?scroll=top&needAccess=true

    Science hub: https://sci-hub.cc/http://www.tandf...53890.2016.1192121?scroll=top&needAccess=true

    Seems odd to define fatigue as something which cannot be predicted by effort exerted. What do they call the 'fatigue' that can be predicted by effort exerted? It doesn't seem surprising that their odd new definition of 'fatigue' would be related to 'stress'.

    Good to have it acknowledged.

    Their hypothesis:

    33 participants.

    They used apps "to report subjective general fatigue levels five times throughout the day (awakening, 10 am, 2pm, 6pm and 9pm). A sixth data entry 30min after awakening comprised only control items (not reported). Momentary general fatigue was assessed using the item ‘‘At the moment, ... I feel fatigued’’ on a five-point Likert scale from not at all to very (Stone et al., 1997)."

    Their results looked like an uninterpretable mess. Here's their discussion.

    Here's the slightly surprising paragraph on CFS:

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
    Wonko, Joh, Luther Blissett and 3 others like this.
  2. Luther Blissett

    Luther Blissett Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks Esther.

    Maybe you could try the revolutionary technique of waiting until after treatment before moving onto rehabilitation?
    Solstice, Esther12 and Wonko like this.
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Looks like a classic case of taking a small sample of people and collecting lots of data about them during two time periods and throwing all the mass of data into a computer stats package and hoping something 'significant' might emerge.

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