James Coyne on poor British and Dutch fatigue studies

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Cheshire, Oct 18, 2017.

  1. Cheshire

    Cheshire Moderator Staff Member

  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Great to see these videos.

    It bugs me though that, at the start of the first one, JC makes the point that he used to refer to "chronic fatigue" when he meant "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and he now realises why that riles patients, and then the owner of the videos refers to only "fatigue studies" in their titles. Now, you could argue that PACE only studied fatigued people, not people with CFS exclusively as they should have done, and that the titles of the videos refers to that point but I would disagree - and even if it was the case, the titles should be clearer.
    BurnA and Cheshire like this.
  3. Cheshire

    Cheshire Moderator Staff Member

    Lou Corsius added a comment under the video to justifie this choice:

    Edit: Lou Corsius, owner of the youtube channel hosting the video.
    Dolphin, Andy and Valentijn like this.
  4. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Ah, thanks, when I watched these there wasn't any comments on them.

    Personally, I think he would be better of calling them "prof James Coyne on poor British and Dutch "chronic fatigue syndrome" studies part 1." or similar. At the very least that would give his videos a chance of appearing in searches for CFS.
    Dolphin, BurnA, Cheshire and 2 others like this.

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