Trial By Error: What I’ve Read Recently–Yong, Jason, Prior & Lowenstein, & Eliot Smith

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Andy, Oct 4, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "Almost seven years ago—in October, 2015–Virology Blog published my 15,000-word investigation of the arguably fraudulent PACE trial. (Thanks, Professor Racaniello!). At the time, no one but patients and a few clinicians cared about ME/CFS—at that point mostly called chronic fatigue syndrome. Besides continuing to blog about it, I’ve published some other articles here and there: an opinion piece for The New York Times (co-written with Julie Rehmeyer), a lengthy narrative investigation for the online science magazine Undark, and a few pieces for STAT, the well-read health-and-data site. For the most part, however, editors at mainstream publications weren’t too interested, to put it kindly."

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