Tick paralysis: 5-year-old suddenly couldn't walk, had trouble speaking, mom says - USA Today

Discussion in 'Infections: Lyme, Candida, EBV ...' started by Melanie, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. Melanie

    Melanie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Tick paralysis: 5-year-old suddenly couldn't walk, had trouble speaking, mom says

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  2. jeckylberry

    jeckylberry Established Member (Voting Rights)

    We have a paralysis tick in Australia. Many animals, especially dogs, die every year from it. Children can get wobbly symptoms from it too but they get better quickly. I was reading that some people are now developing some sort of meat and animal products allergy that causes anaphylactic reactions after exposure to paralysis tick bite.

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