ME Association quick survey: "if, and at what level, M.E. has affected your education"

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Andy, May 15, 2018.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    • Please let us know if, and at what level, M.E. has affected your education and indicate if any of the following statements hold true (multiple answers are allowed):
    • I could not reach my potential at school
    • I could not reach my potential in further education - including A'Levels
    • I could not reach my potential in higher education
    • I was able to reach my education potential despite having M.E.
    • My peers left me behind
    • I was absent for long periods
    • I had to be home-schooled (home-tutored)
    • I needed to study part-time
    • I needed to study on-line e.g. open university or equivalent
    • I was registered as a disabled student
    • I needed special arrangements to study e.g. a study-partner or special equipment
    • I needed special arrangements to take exams e.g. computer-based, extra time
    • I needed to catch-up with coursework during the holidays
    • I needed frequent extensions to coursework deadlines
    • I had to drop-out of my chosen course and have not been able to return
    • I failed exams (or coursework) and had to resit
    To be found in the middle column of their homepage,, towards the bottom of the page.
    petrichor, Lisa108, MeSci and 6 others like this.
  2. Webdog

    Webdog Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Holodeck #2
    "I needed to study on-line e.g. open university or equivalent"

    Unfortunately, online study was not available in the 1980s. So there were years with no realistic educational options available.
  3. Seven

    Seven Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Jesus I had to google each term. Apparently is some Uk terms.
    How hard is high school, college....

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