Agenda: Safeguarding children with CFS, Pervasive refusal syndrome, Gathering evidence – the police experience
Where are you on this @Russell Fleming ,@Action for M.E. ,@JenB ? This is every parents' nightmare writ large. Kafka could not better play it out .
There is a link here Perhaps in her personal view she will confess to mistreating children with exercise and failing to get proper informed consent. But I suspect it is more likely that she will be telling others how to threaten child protection to enforce treatment.
FII, Fabrication or Induction of Illness .... ?? Previously Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?? How many biological markers do they need? We have hundreds. Do we need thousands? Maybe we should be talking about medical fabrication of diagnoses?
It is subtler. Severe ME is not acknowledged in children. If you fail to recover you are simply rediagnosed. This labelling is anecdotally higher in incidences where the parent is a single mother, but not exclusively.
What astounds me is that there hundreds of cases of false allegations; you only have to look at Tymes Trust so where is the balance? Parker is on the GMC as a trainer. How convenient that is and then you have a master plan of Safeguarding at school geared around MUS and is why they use pervasive school refusal. I would say we are going to see a new release from Crawley?
Link to full program and info on Dodgy Courses thread: #21, 23-4 Does anyone know any teachers/TAs/social workers/therapists..... who could attend?