31-year-old world class cyclist and triathalon athlete retires to become a teacher due to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Reading this story, I can't help but wonder if the "concussion" from a 2013 car crash might have played a role. That's when her CFS started. Or is that too obvious? --- Cycling to take a backseat, as SEA Games champion Dinah Chan retires https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/cycling-take-backseat-sea-games-champion-dinah-chan-retires (Bolding mine)
Way too obvious, except for the auto and health insurance industries whose quarterly profits are at stake. They rely on the misled medical industry to tell the patient that it’s “all in their head”. Which it’s true, it is “all in their head”, but the lazy, poorly trained, overscheduled, tightly $budgeted medical providers have already sold their soul. So what’s another wrong Dx and wrong Tx? It’s just business as usual. “Now, send in the next patient.”