I wish that Nobel laureates could investigate ME patients as well as banana flies... https://twitter.com/DrMaureenHanson/status/915031726946230272 Maureen Hanson @DrMaureenHanson 3 okt. ME/CFS patients feel like their circadian clocks are disrupted. https://tinyurl.com/y7oodfo4 . More research needed to find out why. https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2017/advanced-medicineprize2017.pdf http://edition.cnn.com/2017/10/02/health/nobel-medicine-prize-circadian-rhythm/index.html
Interesting, so if people were inclined to do so they could measure dysfunction in these clockwork proteins for people with ME vs healthy controls (and I guess dysfunction in sleeping generally if you don't have ME) I guess that wouldn't be the whole story since it only describes some of the mechanisms to make you go to sleep and wake up, not necessarily anything that's gone wrong while you are asleep.