"In a follow up to her 2019 blog post, Dr Nina Muirhead discusses a recent surge in clinical interest in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). In 2019, I wrote to the RCP to share my experience of developing a neurological disease with multisystem symptoms following a virus. This is a disease characterised by symptom exacerbation following exertion, orthostatic hypotension, disturbed sleep, fatigue and cognitive impairment. We are now facing the next post-viral chronic disease challenge, post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) or ‘long COVID’. Averting the next potential ‘disaster’ is critically dependent on us, as healthcare providers, believing and providing supportive care to our post-viral patients. Doctors are now being urged to diagnose and systematically record cases in computerised medical record (CMR) systems. This is especially important, as the REACT research numbers show that the illness burden is far higher than clinicians are currently recording. Long COVID patients are presenting to us, many with a long list of multisystem symptoms strikingly similar to the multisystem symptoms of ME/CFS, and we are on the steep learning curve to recognise this disease." https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/news/doctors-believe-me
" Doctors with M.E. Honorary Fellow, Professor Derek Pheby, has responded to Dr. Nina Muirhead’s article for the Royal College of Physicians, following up her 2019 article. This article comes within Royal College of Physicians initiatives to work with medical specialities to improve care for Long COVID patients. In particular, Dr. Muirhead discusses the recent surge in clinical interest in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and its relevance to the pandemic. The article can be read here on the RCP site, is discussed here and Professor Pheby’s letter is below." https://doctorswith.me/dwme-honorary-fellow-responds-to-rcp-post/
Trial By Error: Medical Societies and new Komaroff-Lipkin Paper Highlight Long COVID and ME/CFS Links "In a similar vein, the Royal College of Physicians—a professional association founded in 1518 under King Henry VIII–has posted a blog from Dr Nina Muirhead, a director of Doctors with ME, a recently formed organization. (I have been designated an “honorary fellow” of the group.) Her new post is a follow-up to one she wrote in the same venue two years ago, about how her own prolonged struggle with the disease had transformed her understanding of it. She has since become a vocal advocate for improved medical education involving the disease." https://www.virology.ws/2021/07/20/...-paper-highlight-long-covid-and-me-cfs-links/