“Acceptance and commitment therapy for muscle disease”. Which clowns are funding Chalder to gaslight people with muscle disease. Utterly disgusting.
@Joan Crawford @dave30th flagging in case you’ve not seen that Chalder will be speaking about the CODES trial discussion of the trial on this thread https://www.s4me.info/threads/cogni...ontrolled-trial-2020-goldstein-chalder.15251/
Acceptance and commitment therapy for Muscle Disease: a randomised controlled trial Trudie Chalder, King's College London, UK Yeah, sure it is.
It's seriously weird seeing this while in the throes of attending the virtual IACFSME conference and writing up talks I've been listening to about biomedical changes in PEM, etc. Like this is happening in a nightmare alternative universe that I keep slipping in and out of. It's nauseating.
BABCP 50th Anniversary Conference Conference Abstracts https://babcp2022.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Abstract-book-V1.pdf
Looks like a Goop summit, or might as well be. It's really pseudoscience all the way through, uh? That and a lot of self-congratulation.