The Experience of Stigma in People Affected by Fibromyalgia: A Metasynthesis Benedetta Colombo, Eleonora Zanella, Alessandro Galazzi, Paola...
Patient-reported outcome measures for post-COVID-19 condition: a systematic review of instruments and measurement properties Ann-Kristin Baalmann;...
Medical ambivalence and Long Covid: The disconnects, entanglements, and productivities shaping ethnic minority experiences in the UK Ridge; Broom;...
Full title: Barriers and facilitators of healthcare access for long COVID-19 patients in a universal healthcare system: qualitative evidence from...
Abstract Objective: Persistent somatic symptoms (PSS) describe recurrent or continuously occurring symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, or pain...
Highlights Stigma in FND is widespread, and few studies exist looking at stigma outside of functional seizures. This is the first mixed...
Highlights In consultations for PPS/FDs, stigmatisation can occur in various ways in the communication process. Current models do not...
Background: People from ethnic minority groups are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, are less likely to access primary healthcare and...
Measuring persistent somatic symptom related stigmatisation: Development of the Persistent Somatic Symptom Stigma scale for healthcare...
Drawing the Line Between Postacute Sequelae of COVID-19 and Functional Neurologic Disorders: A Daunting Clinical Overlap or Irrelevant Conundrum?...
Abstract Background: Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS) is a debilitating, complex, multi-system...
Objectives: We examined the process by which anticipated stigma relates to quality of life among people living with chronic illnesses. We...
Long COVID: Alice Evans, brucellosis, and reflections on infectious causes of chronic disease Smith, Tara C Despite over a century of research on...
Abstract A considerable amount of people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 experience ongoing symptoms, a condition termed long COVID. This...
People with invisible disabilities like me are routinely disbelieved — and it can have long-lasting effects...
Abstract Background Stigma can be experienced as perceived or actual disqualification from social and institutional acceptance on the basis of...
Bolding mine: This study uses machine learning and natural language processing tools to examine the language used by healthcare professionals on...
Edit: Now published, see post #4 in this thread. Abstract Background: Stigma can be experienced as perceived or actual disqualification from...
Opinion piece in the BMJ Conclusion Going forward, we recommend: Acknowledging that patients with long term conditions may experience...
Physician Use of Stigmatizing Language in Patient Medical Records Jenny Park; Somnath Saha; Brant Chee, Janiece Taylor; Mary Catherine Beach...
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