The science media centre has played an important role in stigmatising CFS patients, and anyone critical of PACE and related work, so it's always...
Science Media Centre: Expert reaction to randomised, controlled trial of ecigs vs NRT in smoking cessation (30.01.2019) Research published in The...
Introduction I started writing this blog in 2012. For several years since then, I have kept starting drafts on a particular topic, only to then...
I recently wrote to Oxford University neuropsychologist Dorothy Bishop, who had provided a statement to the Science Media Centre about the...
On 26 March I sent to following question to the CDC: ‘A recently published "factsheet" about "CFS/ME" by the UK Science Media Centre states:...
Forward-ME Group Chair, The Countess of Mar, has written on behalf of the members of the Group to the Chief Executive of the Science Media Centre...
I have only just become aware of this and although I suspected that the SMC connection(ie SW) was at play with regards to Channel 4 News, Channel...
On September 20, 2017, a BMJ Publishing Group journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood published the SMILE trial. This trial investigated an...
Separate names with a comma.