Somebody has started a petition asking the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, our version of the BBC) to address Norman Swan's comments on...
The Science for ME forum started a petition on 4 September: Cochrane: Withdraw the harmful 2019 Exercise therapy for CFS review on The... This is merely an intellectually and morally bankrupt regurgitation of long-standing canards against...
The MEA shared this UK Parliamentary petition on their Facebook page recently, it may have been shared elsewhere, so sorry if this is a duplicate...
This thread is for social media and general media items about people in the United Kingdom with both ME/CFS and severe problems in achieving...
There is a petition—looks like all nationalities can sign. Treatments include CBT, exercise. [MEDIA] petition to fund and expedite BC-007 research BC007 NOW- Chance of a cure for millions of suffering people From the English...
Copied post Petition for NZ govt to recognise ME as a disability....
"We are looking to submit this Australian version of the Call-For-Change petition to the current Australian Disability Royal Commission and...
The Danish Health Authorities rejects the new NICE guidelines and keep clinging to CBT and GET. Please sign and share this petition to help put...
OK. I'm off to jump through a few hoops. brb... (in about a week) Seems someone got in there first... :wink:...
I'm relying on Google translation here, if any errors are spotted please let me know. Quote: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue...
Moved post The great majority of doctors will not get to hear about this. However, quite a high proportion of GPs are likely to take note since it...
[Can be signed by anybody] Quote: Our Pleas to the German Bundestag We ask the German Bundestag to commit itself to the provision of healthcare...
"We call on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to publish the finalised ME/CFS guideline in its current form. People...
"We, the undersigned, Citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to: 1. Set Aside $50 Million Dollars for ME/CFS biomedical research;...
ME (or CFS as some still call it) is a chronic neurological condition that affects around 250,000 people across the UK, 75% are too unwell to work...
Press Release from the European ME coalition (EMEC): 'Scientists call for more European research on ME/CFS' Brussels, 10 June 2020 More than one...
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