The Economist There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical research IN 2011 BEN MOL, a professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Monash... Most public and non-profit organisations that fund health research provide the... behind a paywall and no sci-hub link but readable here: [MEDIA] [ATTACH]
"Funding is harder to find in general, and the current approach favors low-risk research and proposals by older scientists...."...
Edit: Argh, it's four years old! :( Interesting, and one can make comments, @dave30th!...
#ME Action Network have just announced a fundraiser for a U.K. organiser. “to support another year of mass awareness, medical and scientific...
The author has ME. " 6 February 2018 — 11:00pm As recently as 1921, MS (multiple sclerosis) was erroneously considered more common in men. By the...
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