Precision Nutrition: The Hype Is Exceeding the Science and Evidentiary Standards Needed to Inform Public Health Recommendations for Prevention of...
Abstract Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection can lead to postacute sequelae in multiple organ systems, but...
Objectives: We examined the process by which anticipated stigma relates to quality of life among people living with chronic illnesses. We... This is merely an intellectually and morally bankrupt regurgitation of long-standing canards against...
Britons now have the worst access to healthcare in Europe, and it shows "For the past few months, a fierce debate has been raging over the...
[MEDIA] CITATION: Ferreira GE et al. Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for the treatment of back pain and osteoarthritis: Systematic review...
Background: The prevalence of chronic health conditions in childhood is increasing, and behavioral interventions can support the management of...
Abstract Objectives Chronic conditions require continuous, multi-factorial care – such as person-centred care – to address patients’ individual...
Free full text: Energy management education and occupation-related outcomes in...
Australian Govt Dept of Health What are other chronic conditions? Some chronic conditions do not fit into larger condition groups such as...
" QOF Fiasco 2: ’Immoral’ refusal to learn from mistakes By Jerome Burne Last week I wrote about the great QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework)...
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