Compelling evidence from meta-epidemiological studies demonstrates overestimation of effects in randomized trials that fail to optimize...
Critical Appraisal Tools, University of Oxford So while looking for something else I came across this website with "critical appraisal tools" for...
Bias was reduced in an open-label trial through the removal of subjective elements from the outcome definition Objective: To determine whether...
How the Lancet lost our trust Stuart Ritchie The Spectator (UK) 26/06/2021 A few of us have tried to get Ritchie interested in the PACE trial,...
(This is a reference to the discussion on bias due to a lack of blinding here.) Bull, L. (2007). Sunflower therapy for children with specific...
(Note that this is an old trial from 2001) Abstract Context: Use of nonpharmacological behavioral therapy has been suggested for treatment of...
Full reference: Berger, D. (2015). Double-blinding and bias in medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy trials for major depressive disorder....
Just came across this and thought it might be of interest (its not new, its from 2004) Moncrieff, J., Wessely, S., & Hardy, R. (2004). Active...
When is lack of scientific integrity a reason for retracting a paper? A case study. Abstract: Objective: The present and past editors of this...
Vink M, Vink-Niese A. The draft updated NICE guidance for ME/CFS highlights the unreliability of subjective outcome measures in non-blinded...
"Ian Harris explains that more than half of commonly performed surgical operations may be placebos. Adequate studies using a blinded control group...
Background Several randomized trials have reported that graded exercise therapy (GET) is an effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome...
I plan to submit these comments to the current version of the Cochrane review next week (sorry I took me so long to write these down - long...
I've written a blog post about the recent amendment to the Cochrane review and how it doesn't address the major flaws. I will post the full text...
I would like to use this thread for a discussion on the effects of a lack of blinding in randomized trials, something that frequently comes up in...
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