Linda Tannenbaum Talks with Llewellyn King Llewellyn King, host of ME/CFS Alert, has just released his newest episode interviewing OMF Founder and CEO/President Linda Tannenbaum about the mission and vision of OMF. This is the final in a series of interviews that were recorded at the OMF sponsored 3rd Annual Working Group meetings and Community Symposium at Stanford University. Watch ME/CFS Alert: Linda Tannenbaum on the Mission of OMF | ME/CFS Alert #112 here.
Credit to Llewellyn; he mentions this European Parliamentary petition on ME [Petition No 0204/2019 - supported by ME Action] and the fact that the European Union has not funded any ME Research: there are approximately 2 million people with ME in the EU, & approximately 75% are women []. @Ben H