Daniel Missailidis, PhD on X: Did you know that you can donate directly to our ME/CFS research labs at La Trobe University? Every dollar supports the costs of our research directly and literally buys us more time to continue studying the cell biology of ME/CFS. #research #MECFS https://www.latrobe.edu.au/giving/chronicfatigue
Would be good if the above link said ME rather than chronic fatigue. (Have just replied to his Tweet asking for this) The headline on the linked page is: Support Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue research Though the blurb says: "With donors like you, we can find solutions to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) - a debilitating and little understood condition affecting up to 250,000 people in Australia, 25 per cent of whom are housebound or bedbound. I thought This Uni was one of the better ones in AUS.
This is off topic just a little surreal. I got ill at that very university and wasn't able to go back by the end of the semester. I didn't know they do biomedical research let alone in ME.